A letter to our community from School Board President Jennifer Visitacion

On behalf of the Board of Education, I want to thank you for all of your support in helping the School District navigate these past several weeks and these challenging times.

First and foremost, our hearts go out to the members of our community who have been deeply impacted, especially those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. In addition, we know that the transition to distance
learning has had a tremendous impact on our students, parents, staff and the community as a whole. While there are still many unknowns and uncertainties regarding how the Salida School District and our
capacity to educate will be affected long-term, the Board, Superintendent and leadership team are working hard to anticipate and prepare for the scenarios that may unfold. In the coming weeks, we anticipate learning more about the financial impacts we can expect to see as well as any changes to the state level mandates that are required of our district.
As new information and guidance becomes available, and we are able to start getting a more accurate picture of the next phase for public education in Colorado, we will be reaching out to our community for your feedback
regarding how to navigate this changing landscape, while keeping our core values for our students’ learning at the forefront.

To the students and teachers who are deeply missing each other and the opportunity for closure and connection at the end of the year, please know that we are proud of you for making the best of a really hard situation and
inspired by how you have risen to the challenge with creativity and resilience. Please keep up the good work in these remaining weeks.

To the seniors of Salida High School and Horizons Exploratory Academy and your incredibly proud parents and families, words cannot describe the heart-felt congratulations we have for you and your accomplishment. You
make us proud, not only in how you have handled this semester, but for all of your talents, skills, endurance and unique contributions that have brought you to the end of this chapter and will serve you in the next one.
Please remember that the adventure is not defined by how it ends, but by all the winding roads, hills and valleys, incredible view points and relationships along the way.

Finally, as we begin to see signs of re-emerging and the promise of warmer weather and days spent outdoors on the horizon, I want to thank Chaffee County Public Health, our first responders and medical providers, and all
of the essential workers in private, non-profit and the public sectors who have kept us going as a community. Your tireless efforts are so appreciated and will not be forgotten. I also want to thank previous members of the Board of Education and leadership team for the decisions you made in the past that will help our stability as a district as we navigate an uncertain future.

We know that this circumstance has been challenging for everyone and for some at the very core of what feels safe and secure. Our community has come together to try to support those in need and to anticipate what might
be needed in the coming weeks. As you navigate your own challenges, please remember that those around you might be dealing with challenges that are not obvious to you. Regardless of our diverse beliefs and viewpoints, I hope we can continue to come together- giving each other grace while holding each other capable to do the best we can in this situation.

Our next School Board meeting is scheduled for May 12th at 6pm and will be held virtually through an online meeting platform. You can access the agenda and call information prior to the meeting on the Salida Schools
website. Public letters to the Board of Education or request for public comment can be submitted in advance of this meeting to Brandy Coscarella, Board Secretary at bcoscarella@salidaschools.org.

In Gratitude,
Jennifer Visitacion
President, Board of Education, Salida School District

Dan R

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