Salida, CO — The City of Salida is excited to announce the commencement of a new downtown streetscape improvement project aimed at enhancing the aesthetics, functionality, and accessibility of the city’s vibrant core. The city has been working closely with consultants to design a series of improvements to key intersections and surrounding areas, which will bring long-term benefits to residents, businesses, and visitors.

The streetscape improvements will focus on the reconstruction of the intersections at 2nd and F Streets, 3rd and F Streets, and 2nd and G Streets. This project will include the installation of new crosswalks, ADA-compliant ramps, decorative planters, bike parking, and other pedestrian-friendly enhancements. In addition to these aesthetic upgrades, the work will also include paving improvements and water service line replacements adjacent to the affected intersections.

The City and their contractor, Y&K Construction, anticipates that parts of the roadway will be partially closed to through traffic during construction. However, pedestrian access will remain open at all times. The contractor will work directly with local businesses and residents along these corridors to ensure temporary access is provided, minimizing disruptions.

Project Timeline:

  • 2nd and F Intersection: March 26 – May 1, 2025
  • 3rd and F Intersection: May 1 – June 5, 2025
  • 2nd and G Intersection: June 16 – July 8, 2025
  • Alley and Drainage Improvements near 3rd Street (between F and G): July 8 – July 21, 2025

Additional elements of the project, including the installation of street bollards, benches, and paving, will be integrated into the overall construction schedule.

The City of Salida is committed to enhancing the downtown area and creating a more vibrant, accessible, and pedestrian-friendly environment making Salida a more attractive destination for residents, visitors, and businesses.

For more information on the project or to stay updated with construction schedules, please visit the City of Salida’s official website or contact the Project team directly: 

Contact: Bailey Arithson
Phone: ‪(720) 675-7967