A civil lawsuit filed by Barry Morphew against several law enforcement agencies, including Chaffee County, the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, and the FBI, has been dismissed. Morphew had filed the suit in May 2023, seeking $15 million in damages for what he claimed were violations of his rights during the investigation and prosecution related to the disappearance and death of his wife, Suzanne Morphew.

The lawsuit, spanning 314 pages, asserted 13 different claims, including accusations of prosecutors and law enforcement officials conspiring to fabricate evidence, manipulate witness testimony, and violate Morphew’s due process rights. Morphew’s murder case was dismissed in April 2022, and this civil action followed, aiming to hold those involved accountable for what Morphew described as misconduct.

In his ruling, Judge Daniel Domenico dismissed the lawsuit without prejudice, meaning Morphew has the option to refile. Domenico acknowledged that Morphew’s case highlighted concerning issues and noted that the immunity doctrine, which shields prosecutors and law enforcement from lawsuits for misconduct, might need reconsideration. However, he explained that under current law, he had no choice but to dismiss the lawsuit.

Morphew’s attorney, Iris Eytan, stated that her client plans to continue pursuing legal action.