Recently the Colorado House of Representatives passed new legislation, HB 24-1174, which will affect those seeking a new CCW, Concealed Weapons Permit, those wanting to renew their current CCW Permit and certified firearms instructors who provide training to CCW applicants.

The new legislation addresses new training for first time applicants specifying stricter guidelines on what type of training will be required, who can provide it and where it shall be completed. For those seeking renewal of their CCW permit there will now be a required refresher course as part of the application process and for our certified instructors there are new guidelines they must follow which includes verification of their credentials by the sheriff of the county where they provide instruction.

There are other parts of this bill that also affects the process and so it is imperative for all those involved to please read HB 24-1174 asap.

There is some confusion as to the language and time frame of initiation of different parts of the bill so The County Sheriffs of Colorado is working on creating specific guidelines for all sheriffs across Colorado to follow. As soon as this information becomes available, we will push it out to our residents. In the mean-time, please familiarize yourself with this new legislation.

Also, HB 24-1348 was passed which addresses unattended firearms in unoccupied vehicles. This legislation goes into effect 01/01/25

It requires hard sided locked storage for handguns in unattended vehicles and this must be permanently mounted in the vehicle. It also calls for locking devices to be used on any other unoccupied weapon, i.e. rifles, that are stored in a soft case in the vehicle.

There are exceptions to some of these requirements so it is imperative that you familiarize yourself with HB 24-1348.

Thank You

Sheriff John Spezze