The U.S. Forest Service is urging the public to prioritize campfire safety due to a concerning number of abandoned campfires. As of July 12th, 139 abandoned or unattended campfires have been reported to the Forest Service dispatch center. This dangerous trend is a leading cause of catastrophic wildfires. For example, the Interlake Fire at Twin Lakes, which burned over 700 acres, was started by an abandoned campfire.

To prevent such incidents, campers are reminded to clear vegetation away from their fire and use a preexisting campfire ring. Before lighting a fire, ensure you have the proper tools to extinguish it. Bring a bucket, plenty of extra water, and a shovel to drown and stir the campfire until it is completely out.

The Forest Service emphasizes the importance of spreading this message to the public. As Smokey Bear says, “Only you can prevent forest fires.”