A two-week disciplinary hearing commenced yesterday for 11th Judicial District Attorney Linda Stanley, who faces accusations of violating professional rules for attorneys during her prosecution of Barry Morphew in the 2020 murder case of his wife.

State authorities claim that Stanley made inappropriate comments to the media throughout the Morphew prosecution, failed to effectively lead the district attorney’s office, and attempted to retaliate against the judge overseeing the case. Jonathan Blasewitz, an attorney from the Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel, described the Morphew prosecution as a “debacle” that ended in “shambles” due to Stanley’s mismanagement.

In response, Stanley’s attorney, Steve Jensen, defended her actions in court, arguing that Stanley was neither unethical nor a poor leader. Jensen asserted that she did the best she could within a district that had very limited staff and resources.

The outcome of this hearing is critical for Stanley, as she risks losing her license to practice law if Presiding Disciplinary Judge Bryon Large upholds the allegations of professional misconduct against her.