Chaffee County Homeowners Can Expect a 40 to 60% Increase in Property Taxes

Real Estate Boom (iStock 1280555366)

Chaffee County property owners will receive their 2023 Notice of Valuation from the Chaffee County Assessor’s Office in the mail over the coming week.   

The valuation reflects the actual value of properties based on local market sales over the past two years and differ from the Assessed Value that is used to calculate property taxes. This year’s valuation will include a tax estimate, but final tax liabilities will not be determined until taxes such as mill levies are set by each taxing authority at the end of 2023.   

Chaffee County Assessor Rick Roberts said in a press release that property owners will see increases of 40 to 60%.   

Property owners who wish to protest their property classification or actual value must submit an appeal to the assessor’s office by June 8th.

Dan R