Alison Brown has announced her candidacy for Chaffee County Commissioner District 3.   

The seat is currently held by Rusty Granzella who has not yet made an announcement on whether he is running for re-election.  

Brown is the CEO of the aerospace company Navsys. She also owns a small ranch outside of Salida where she keeps livestock and a pack of American Foxhounds. She has been at odds with the county concerning her ranch resulting in several lawsuits.    

Brown said she is running because Chaffee citizens deserve better from local government. She told the Ark Valley Voice, “I love living here in rural Chaffee County but, since I moved here, I have seen Right to Farm and Ranch protection eroded and extreme over-regulation by local government officials against local businesses and landowners. We live in a County where officials believe they can regulate access to public lands, can redefine Colorado State language to deny Right to Farm and Ranch protections, and can arbitrarily interpret and enforce land-use code at a whim, such as declaring ‘weddings’ as ‘outdoor theater’ to again over-regulate land use.” 

Brandon James Becker of Salida has also filed paperwork with the Secretary of State’s Office to run for the Chaffee County Commission District 3 seat.