Chaffee Chips will haul away nearly 100 slash piles during its first wildfire mitigation event this weekend.   

Residents at the base of Mount Princeton have been building slash piles near their curbs for weeks, as part of a community fire mitigation effort led by the Envision Forest Health Council.  Trees, branches and brush have been cut down and pile up by landowners to help make homes, neighborhoods and the surrounding forest safer from wildfire.   

Chaffee Chips will be on County Road 325 along Pine Grove Parkway today, on County Road 323 in Lost Creek Ranch on Saturday, and on County Road 327 on Sunday.   

The slash trailers are hauled by Chaffee Fire Protection District personnel to the Landfill and chipped.  The chips are available for sale and are used in landfill operations to help bury trash.   

Chaffee Chips is a new service to help implement the new Community Wildfire Protection Plan.  The goal is to treat 30,000 acres by 2030 to halve the risk wildfire poses to lives, homes and community resources.