Temperatures are soaring into the 90’s this week in Chaffee County. According to the American Red Cross, approximately 400 Americans lose their lives due to excessive heat every year.
Taking some simple precautions can help you beat the heat and could save your life this summer.
- Dress For The Heat – Wear lightweight, light colored clothing while out in the heat. Light colors reflect sunlight and can keep you cooler. Hats are also a good idea, as are umbrellas if available.
- Drink LOTS of Water – Drink lots and lots of water when you have to be out in the heat. It’s a great idea to keep a bottle of water or juice with you at all times. Avoid alcohol and caffeine which can dehydrate you.
- Slow Down – Take lots of breaks and avoid strenuous activity in the hottest part of the day. If you have to get out in the sun and work, try to pick the coolest parts of the day.
- Stay Indoors When Possible – If air conditioning is available, bask in its glory whenever possible. If not, stay out of direct sunshine, or on the lowest levels of your home. Remember: electric fans do not cool, they only circulate air.
- Be a Good Neighbor – When it gets hot, remember to be a good neighbor and check on the elderly, disabled, and those who do not have air conditioning in your neighborhood. It’s not an exaggeration to say that you could save someone’s life.
If you suspect someone is experiencing any heat related emergencies such as heat cramps, heat exhaustion, or heat stroke, get the person to a cooler location and call 9-1-1 immediately. Heat stroke is a potentially life threatening condition.