The construction season is about to begin for roadway and utility capital improvements across the City.

Poncha Boulevard streetscape improvements include the addition of sidewalks, bike lanes, storm sewer, water and sewer utility upgrades, and open space improvements. These improvements are anticipated to occur over two construction seasons. The work in 2023 will include improvements from Crestone Avenue to Grant Street. Sanitary sewer upgrades and water service line replacements are expected to begin in March. A final phase of construction from Grant Street to Holman Avenue is anticipated to be completed in 2024.

Reconstruction of 10th Street from J Street to D Street is also scheduled to be completed this summer. A section from D Street to F Street was completed in 2022 and the remaining work is scheduled to initiate this spring.

Each of these projects are expected to have periodic closures and detours established throughout the course of construction with access limited to local traffic.  We look forward to improving our City streetscapes with the completion of these projects and appreciate your patience while the work is underway.

A map of the work locations can be found on the City website at: