The Salida Public Works Department has multiple capital projects underway.
This includes numerous work locations for street reconstruction, utility related improvements, and improvements to sidewalk, curb and gutter, and crosswalks.
Sanitary sewer replacement work is occurring at multiple locations. Current work activities are anticipated to cause detours for sections of New Street and Holman Avenue while work is underway. Work at these locations is expected to take several weeks.
The improvements along 12th Street are scheduled to be completed in August. Work along 10th Street is anticipated to occur once 12th Street has been completed. This work will provide improved pedestrian mobility to the schools, repaving of asphalt, and safety improvements to the intersections. Work along 10th Streets is expected to take several months.
Each of these projects are expected to have periodic closures and detours established throughout the course of construction with limited access to local traffic. The city appreciates your patience while work is underway.