As we head into a busy camping weekend, the U.S. Forest Service is emphasizing the importance of fire safety to all visitors. With increased outdoor activities, it’s crucial to adhere to fire regulations to ensure the safety of our natural resources and fellow campers.

Key Fire Safety Reminders:

  • No Fireworks: Fireworks of all kinds are always banned in National Forests. This includes sparklers, firecrackers, and any other type of pyrotechnic device.
  • Campfires: Only build campfires in designated areas. Make sure they are completely extinguished before leaving the site.
  • Smoking: If you must smoke, do so in a vehicle or a designated smoking area.
  • Equipment: Ensure that all camping equipment, such as stoves and lanterns, are in good working order and used in safe locations.
  • Fire Extinguishers: Keep a fire extinguisher or a bucket of water nearby at all times.

Be Vigilant and Report Fires

If you spot an unattended or out-of-control fire, report it immediately to the nearest Forest Service office or call 911.

Enjoy your camping trip responsibly and help protect our National Forests from wildfires!